API Reference


Webhook will be sent to your configured endpoint as a POST request with the body containing the various parameters specifying the details of each event. Each request contains an event parameter that identifies its type.

Below are the various events that can be sent to your webhook endpoint.



entitystringFor which API , the web hook has been dispatched.
created_atstringIn IST , When the event has been created.
eventstringEvent for which report has been generated.
payloadobjectThe payload for this event.
is_successstringThe Event is success/Failed
messagestringThe message for this event.
entity_payloadobjectThe payload this event belongs to an entity.
bsa_report_urlstringThe Report url for the Bank Statement.

Sample Payload will POST to the configured web hook.

	"payload": {
		"is_success": true,
		"message": "BSA Report Generated Successfully..",
		"entity_payload": {
			"bsa_report_url": "https://our_storage_endpoint/report.xlsx"
	"entity": "bank_statement_analysis",
	"event": "bsa_report_generated",
	"created_at": "serialized_istnow()"