API Reference

Pull Credit Report API Parameters

Parameter NameRequiredFormatComment
full_nameYesASCII String
Regex check:
Full name of the customer.
genderYes1: Male
2: Female

Note that integer codes should be passed in the API request.
Gender of the customer.
pan_numberYesASCII String
Regex check:
PAN number of the customer.
date_of_birthYesDate format
For e.g. :
1 Jan 2019 should be passed as “01-Jan-2019”
Date of birth of the customer. Customers must be at least 21 years of age, and at maximum 55 years of age.
loan_amountYesIntegerLoan amount customer is requesting for.
mobile_numberYesThe 10-digit mobile number, should start with 6/7/8/9.OTP verified mobile number of the customer.
email_idYesValid email formatEmail of the customer.
addressYesASCII StringAddress of the customer.
pincodeYesValid 6-digit PincodePincode where the customer currently resides.
driving_licenseNoASCII StringDriving license of the customer.
voter_idNoASCII StringVoter Id card of the customer.
aadhaar_numberNoASCII StringAadhaar number of the customer.