After you have all the information required to pull the credit report call the API to pull the report.
POST /api/v1/client/credit_report/pull/
Sample payload is given below.
Find a detailed description of the API parameters in Pull Credit Report Parameters table.
Note :
The table is the final authority on what should be passed in the API.
"full_name": "<full name of the customer>",
"gender": "<gender of the customer>",
"pan_number": "<pan number of the customer>",
"date_of_birth": "<date of birth of the customer>",
"loan_amount": "<loan amount customer is requesting for>",
"mobile_number": "<mobile number of the customer>",
"email_id": "<email id of the customer>",
"address": "<address of the customer>",
"pin_code": "<Pin code of the customer>",
"driving_license": "<driving license of the customer>",
"aadhaar_number": "<aadhaar number of the customer>",
"voter_id": "<voter id of the customer>"