API Reference

KYC Parameters

At least two KYC details must be provided. Preferred input is Aadhaar and PAN.

Parameter NameRequiredFormatComment
kyc_typeYes1: Aadhar
2: PAN
3: Passport
4: Driving License
5: Voter's ID

Note that integer codes should be passed in the API request.
KYC type.
kyc_nameYesAscii string.
Regex: r'^[a-zA-Z\s]{1,200}$'
Name of the custmer on this KYC document.
identifierYesAscii stringShould be unmasked KYC identifier except in case of Aadhaar, where it should be the last 4 digits of the Aadhaar number.
If PAN, it should match the PAN number Regex.
verified_usingYes1: Image
3: Offline e-KYC
4: OTP based e-KYC
5: Based on CKYC

Note that integer codes should be passed in the API request.
For each case, corresponding documents are required.
The documennt must be verified, else the request would be declined.
addressNoAscii stringAddress if present in case of Aadhar.