API Reference

Pull Credit Report

After you have all the information required to pull the business credit report call the API to pull the report. Use the following API with business soft pull:

POST /api/v1/client/credit_report/business/soft-pull/

Sample payload is given below.
Find a detailed description of the API parameters in Pull Business Credit Report Parameters table.

The table is the final authority on what should be passed in the API.

    "full_name": "<full name of the customer who is pulling the report.>",
    "mobile_number": "<mobile number of the customer who is pulling the report.>",
    "email": "<email of the customer who is pulling the report.>",
    "otp_uuid": "<UUID of OTP verification>",
    "company_name": "<Company Name for which report is being pulled.>",
    "company_pan": "<PAN number of the company for which report is being pulled.>",
    "address": "<Address of the company for which report is being pulled.>",
    "pin_code": "<Pin code of the company for which report is being pulled.>",
    "company_type": "<Company type.>"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!