API Reference

Verification Status API

Once a verification request is made, the status of it will be sent to the client via webhooks. However, the client can check the status of the verification using the transaction id returned when the verification is initiated.

We use proprietary algorithms to match the beneficiary name returned from the bank and the name which you pass, to give you a name matching score. A score above 80 is considered a good match.

GET /api/v1/client/bank_details/transaction/<uuid:transaction_id>/

Sample Success Response :

	"is_success": true,
	"data": {
		"name": "name of customer",
		"name_with_bank": "name provided by bank",
		"name_match_score": "score based on match between names",
		"account_number": "bank account number",
		"ifsc": "ifsc of bank",
		"mobile_number": "mobile number of customer",
		"transfer_amount": "amount transferred",
		"transaction_id": "transaction id of transfer",
		"reference_no": "transaction reference number",
		"transfer_type": "type of transaction",
		"status": "COMPLETED"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!