API Reference

Sample Response

Sample Success Response :

    "is_success": true,
    "data": { "credit_report_transaction_uuid": "<credit report transaction uuid>"}

Sample Failure Response :

If the form is invalid.
These errors are validations done from OneFin to validate all the parameters which are being passed into the API.
This is not an error from CIBIL side.

    "is_success": false,
    "error": {
        "message": "Invalid request data.",
        "code": "invalid_request_data",
        "details": {
            "mobile_number": "This field is required.",
            "email": "This field is required.",
            "gender": "This field is required.",
            "region": "This field is required.",
            "date_of_birth": "This field is required.",
            "street_address": "This field is required.",
            "city": "This field is required.",
            "id_number": "This field is required.",
            "pin_code": "This field is required."

Another Failure Response :

    "is_success": false,
    "error": {
        "message": "<message explaining the error>",
        "code": "report_pull_failed"


    "is_success": false,
    "error": {
        "message": "<message explaining the error>",
        "code": "report_pull_failed", 
        "details": {
            "cibil_error_code": "CIBIL Error Codes"

The API will check if the verbal consent is present or not. If it is not present, then a SMS will be sent to the provided customer’s mobile number and the customer has to authenticate himself/herself.