This API is used to upload the credit report's XML.
Sample JSON
"credit_report_xml": "<credit_report_xml>",
"partner_loan_id": "<loan ID at your end, if it exists",
"pan": "<pan of the customer>",
"additional_variables": {
"foir": "<foir value>",
"iir": "<iir value>",
"no_of_enquiries": "<no of enquiries in last 3 months>",
"no_of_tradeline_30_plus_3_month": "value",
"no_of_tradeline_60_plus_6_month": "value"
POST /api/v1/client/loan/upload-credit-report/
Sample Response
"is_success": true,
"data": {
"status": "Rejected/Approved",
"rejection_reason": "<reason for rejection, if Rejected>"
Additional variables is a JSON field for sending all variables needed for a decision.
The fields in additional variables are configurable and the above is an example.
If the "value" is a number, according to the JSON API Spec, we prefer you send numbers as JSON numbers, that is, without the quotes.