The Mobile Number Update API enables seamless updating of mobile numbers within loan profiles, ensuring alignment with registered Aadhaar mobile number . It verifies requested mobile numbers with Aadhaar mobile numbers before updating.
Sample payload is given below:
curl --location '<lead_id:uuid>/update_mobile_number/'
--header 'Authorization: Basic 5cThzRmJzaHVla0pEczRUb2YwZFY3MFpZN1VyejltVmVya0xUUzN3V21hNmh5eXlhdkZaZVVVT1lSc01aTFZrZzNJUXdRQ1dTazhPQmlUUmt2aHpZckxtenBSTkoxTUswbjBuald2c3d5ZzRXZ3NGSHh2ag==' \
--data '{"mobile_number":9999999999}'
Status: OK (200)
"is_success": true,
"data": {
"message": "mobile number updated successfully"
Status: Forbidden (403)
"is_success": false,
"message": "Entered mobile number not match with Aadhaar records.",
"code": "mobile_number_mismatch_on_aadhaar"
Status: Forbidden (403)
"is_success": false,
"error": {
"message": "'aadhaar process not yet completed'",
"code": "aadhaar_process_not_completed"