API Reference

Sample Response

Sample Success Response :

    "is_success": true,
    "data": {
        "ckyc_no": "CKYC number of the customer.",
        "name": "Full name of the customer.",
        "fathers_name": "Name of customer’s father.",
        "correspondence_address": "Correspondence address of the customer",
        "permanent_address": "Permanent address of the customer",
        "permanent_address_pin_code": "Permanent address of the pin code",
        "correspondance_address_pin_code": "Correspondence address of the pin code",  
        "email": "Email of the customer", 
        "gender": "Gender of the customer", 
        "mob_num": "Mobile Number of the customer", 
                  "document_type": "Type of the document", 
                  "url": "URL of the document to be downloaded"

Sample Failure Response :
HTTP Response Status Code - 400

    "is_success": false,
    "error": {
        "message": "Record Not Found",
        "code": "ckyc_failure"