API Reference

Signatory Status Details

Parameter NameRequiredFormatComment
mobile_numberNoValid 10-digit mobile number.Mobile number of the signatory, present if it was specified in the E-signature API.
emailNoValid email address.Email of the signatory, present if it was specified in the E-signature API.
signature_doneYesBooleanTrue if the signature has been done, False if signature has not been done.
signature_done_atNoDate TimeThe timestamp of when the signature was done. Present if signature_done is true. Sample format:

01-Jan-2019 12:37 PM
signature_latNoDoubleLatitude of the signature. Present if signature_done is true.
signature_longNoDoubleLongitude of the signature. Present if signature_done is true.
signature_ipNoString IP address.IP address of the customer when the signature was done. Present if signature_done is true.