API Reference

Loan Booking API Parameters

Loan Booking API Parameters Table

Parameter NameRequiredFormatComment
mobile_numberYesThe 10-digit mobile number, should start with 6/7/8/9.OTP verified mobile number of the customer.
full_nameYesAscii string.
Regex check:
Full name of the customer.
emailYesValid email formatEmail of the customer.
genderYes1: Male
2: Female

Note that integer codes should be passed in the API request.
Gender of the customer.
date_of_birthYesDate format:

For e.g 1 Jan 209 should be passed as "01-Jan-2019"
Date of birth of the customer.
fathers_nameYesAscii string.
Regex check:
Father's name of the customer.

If you don't have it pass : "Father Name Not Present"
mothers_nameYesAscii string
Regex check:
Mothers's name of the customer.

If you don't have it pass : "Mother Name Not Present"
addressYesAscii stringAddress of the customer.
pincodeYesValid 6-digit PincodePincode where the customer currently resides.
monthly_incomeYesIntegerMonthly income of the customer.
Pass any estimate of monthly income you have.
If you don't have it, pass 0.
loan_tenureYesIntegerNumber of EMIs Monthly.
monthly_emiYesIntegerMonthly EMI of the customer.

Pass any estimate of monthly emi you have.

If you don't have it, pass 0.
[300,900] or [-1,10]
Credit Score of the customer.
In case customer is NTC, NTC score should be returned, which ranges from 0-10.If no score is returned from the burau pass -1.
If you don't have credit score, pass 300.
employment_typeYes0: Unemployed
1: Salaried
2: Self-employed
3: Self-employed professional
4: Agriculture

Note that integer codes should be passed.
Employment type of the customer.

If you don’t have it pass 1.
company_nameYesAscii stringCompany name of the customer.

If you don’t have it, pass “Company Name Not Present”
loan_application_dateYesDate format:

For e.g 1 Jan 209 should be passed as "01-Jan-2019"
Loan application date, when the application was done.
agreement_dateYesDate format:

For e.g 1 Jan 209 should be passed as "01-Jan-2019"
Agreement date, when the agreement was signed with the customer. Date format:

It can be same as loan application date.
loan_amountYesIntegerThe loan amount for which is approved for the customer.
repayment_countYesIntegerRepayment count, the number of payments which the customer will do. This should match the number of entries in the repayment schedule.
retention_amountNoDecimalAmount kept on hold
Max 2 digits after decimal.
Interest rate which is charged to the customer, this is in annualised IRR space. This is the IRR corresponding to the interest paid by the customer.

For e.g. If it is 0% EMI to the customer this should be passed as ‘0.00’. If the annualized IRR is 24.32%, then it should be passed as ‘24.32’.
Max 2 digits after decimal
Annual percentage rate calculated as per RBI guidelines, and shared with customer.
payment_frequencyYes1: Weekly
2: Bi-weekly
3: Monthly
8: Daily

Note that integer codes should be passed.
Payment frequency at which the payment is to be done.
loan_typeYes0 : Unclassified
1 : Personal loan
2: Education loan
3: Medical loan
4 : Vehicle loan
5 : Bussiness loan
6.Unsecured Business Loan
Note that integer codes should be passed.
Loan product type.

You can pass 1 as the default value.
Detail here
Bank account details of the customer.
kycYesAn array of JSON.
Detail here
KYC documents which are collected and verified for the customer.
Detail here
Disbursal detail and breakdown.
repayment_scheuleNoAn array of JSON.
Detail here
Repayment Schedule.
agreement_signature_typeYes1: Physical
2: Aadhaar e-signature
3: Click wrap

Note that integer codes should be passed.
How the agreement is signed by the customer.
partner_loan_idYesUpto 200 chars.This is a Unique Loan ID that is sent by the Lender/Fintech for every loan that is created.
disbursal_txnNoUpto 100 charsThis is a UTR ( Unique Transaction Reference) number also known as disbursal transaction id. This is generated after the loan gets disbursed. This is needed for migrations of old loans. For new loans, where disbursal is by OneFin this field can be omitted.
agreement_idNoUpto 200 chars.Usually Lender's Loan Account Number is used, if migrating for old loans, you can send the Loan ID at your end, or we will auto generate it.
productNoLender's or Fintechs might have different suites or products, each one of them having different repayment calculations.

Product at OneFin's side is a unique combination of a lender plus the product, which gives us a lot of flexibility to cater to varied combination of inputs and flows.
co_applicant_detailsNoAn array of JSON Details Details of the Co-Applicant such as Full Name, Gender, DOB, Email, Mobile Number, Address, Pin code , Aadhar , PAN , Relationship with Customer.
co_relationNo1. co_applicant
2. guarantor
Co-Applicant's relation
co_dobNoDate format:
Co-Applicant's Date of Birth
co_genderYes"male": 1,
"female": 2
Co-Applicant's Gender
co_emailYesValid email formatCo-Applicant's Valid Email
co_aadhaarYesAadhar NumberCo-Applicant's Aadhar Details
co_phoneYesThe 10-digit mobile number, should start with 6/7/8/9Co-Applicant's Mobile Number
co_full_nameyesAscii string.
Regex check:
Full Name of Co-Applicant
co_father_nameNoAscii string.
Regex check:
Father's name of the Co-Applicant.

If you don't have it pass : "Father Name Not Present"
co_current_addressYesAscii stringCo-Applicant Address