After you have all the loan details call this API to book the loan into Lender system. The API would return a unique lead id and a loan account number. This loan account number should be used in the loan agreement.
To update any details apart from customer identifier information, call the same API with a PUT request on this URL.
Note that this cannot be done after the disbursal API is called. The disbursal API can be called only once.
PUT /api/v1/client/loan/<lead_id>/
To get any details about the lead, call the same API with a GET request.
GET /api/v1/client/loan/<lead_id>/
When you do a GET API call, you will get to know the status of the loan along with the data you have sent in the POST API. After the first API call is done, we would run policy and if the case is approved, the appropriate status would be returned.
The status can be:
In case loan is approved, the GET API response will also contain the loan account number.
In case loan is rejected, the GET API response will also contain the loan rejection reason.
Sample Approved response:
"is_success": true,
"data": {
"loan_ac_no": "<loan account number>",
"status": "Approved"
Sample Rejected response:
"is_success": true,
"data": {
"rejection_reason": "<rejection reason>",
"status": "Rejected"
Response for Duplicate Partner Loan ID
Since Partner Loan ID is a unique field, re-creating a loan with the same ID will result in the following error.
The Loan Account Number and the lead ID of the existing Partner Loan ID are shared back.
"is_success": false,
"error": {
"message": "Partner Loan ID already exists.",
"code": "duplicate_partner_loan_id",
"details": {
"loan_account_number": "abc333495492",
"lead_id": "d82e0371-b5d5-4cfa-b359-570f33d5d57f"
Sample Request JSON
"mobile_number": "<customer mobile number>",
"partner_loan_id": "<partner loan id>",
"full_name": "<full name of the customer>",
"email": "<email id of the customer>",
"gender": "<gender of the customer>",
"date_of_birth": "<date of birth of the customer>",
"fathers_name": "<customer's father name>",
"mothers_name": "<customer's mother name>",
"address": "<address of the customer>",
"pincode": "<pincode of the customer>",
"monthly_income": "<monthly income of the customer>",
"monthly_emi": "<monthly emi of the customer>",
"credit_score": "<credit score of the customer>",
"employment_type": "<employment type of the customer>",
"company_name": "<company name of the customer>",
"loan_application_date": "<loan application date of the customer>",
"loan_tenure": "<Number of EMIs in months>",
"agreement_date": "<date on the loan agreement>",
"loan_amount": "<loan amount to be paid by the customer>",
"repayment_count": "<number of installments to be paid by the customer>",
"interest_rate": "<IRR charged to the customer>",
"payment_frequency": "<monthly/weekly/fortnightly/other>",
"loan_type": "<personal_loan/education_loan>",
"agreement_signature_type": "<physical/e-signature/click-wrap>",
"bank_account": {
"ac_number": "<bank account number>",
"ifsc_code": "<IFSC code of customer>",
"nach_umrn": "<NACH UMRN of the given bank account>",
"nach_type": "<physical/api-mandate>",
"ac_name": "<name of the customer in bank account>"
"kyc": [{
"kyc_type": "aadhaar",
"identifier": "<last 4 digits of customer aadhaar number>",
"verified_using": "<image/offline-eKYC/>",
"verification_id": "<identifier used for KYC>",
"kyc_name": "<name on the kyc document>",
"is_verified": true,
"address": "< only for aadhaar cases >"
"kyc_type": "pan",
"identifier": "<PAN number of the customer>",
"verified_using": "<image/nsdl-api>",
"verification_id": "<identifier used for KYC>",
"kyc_name": "<name on the kyc document>",
"is_verified": true
"disbursal_detail": [{
"date": "<Due date of tranche>",
"amount": "<Amount to be released>",
"disbursal_type": "<principal/withhold>",
"processing_fee": "<processing fee>",
"pre_emi": "<pre emi>",
"gst": "<GST on the processing fee collected>",
"subvention": "<Subvention amount, if any>",
"upfront_emi": "<Upfront EMI, if any>",
"downpayment": "<Downpayment, if any>",
"insurance": "<Insurance, if any>"
"repayment_schedule": [{
"due_date": "<Due Date, when EMI is due>",
"due_amount": "<Due Amount, which customer has to pay>",
"principal_amount": "<Principal amount>",
"interest_amount": "<Interest amount>"
"additional_variables": {
"foir": "< foir value >",
"iir": "< iir value >",
"no_of_enquiries": "< no of enquiries in last 3 months >",
"no_of_tradeline_30_plus_3_month": "< count >",
"no_of_tradeline_60_plus_6_month": "< count >",
"no_of_tradeline_90_plus_ever": "< count >"
"co_applicant_details": [
"co_full_name": "< Co-applicant Full Name >",
"co_dob": "< Co-applicant Date of Birth >",
"co_email": "< Co-applicant Email ID >",
"co_phone": "< Co-applicant Mobile Number >",
"co_gender": "< Co-applicant Gender>",
"co_aadhaar": "< Co-applicant Aadhar , last 4 digits >",
"co_address": "< Co-applicant Address >",
"co_pancard": "< Co-applicant PAN Number >",
"co_pincode": "< Co-applicant Pincode >",
"co_relation": "< Relationship with the Customer >"