API Reference

Repayment Schedule API

This API returns the status of all the repayments and the state of the loan in the LMS. Sample response with an explanation of each parameter has been given below.

Repayment Schedule API

This API returns the status of all the repayments and the state of the loan in the LMS. A sample response with an explanation of each parameter has been given below.

	"is_sucess": true,
	"data": {
		"status": "<status of the loan>",
		"collection": {
			"principal": "<principal which has been collected>",
			"interest": "<interest which has been collected>",
			"bounce_charges": "<bounce charges which has been collected>",
			"late_interest": "<late interest charges which has been collected>",
			"total": "<total collected>",
			"excess": "<total excess collected>",
			"dpd": "<current dpd in system>"
		"repayments": [
			"due_date": "<due date of repayment>",
			"status": "<status of repayment>",
			"repayment_amount": "<repayment amount>",
			"principal_amount": "<principal amount>",
			"interest_amount": "<interest amount>",
			"remaining_principal": "<remaining principal>",
			"remaining_interest": "<remaining interest>",
			"uuid": "<uuid>"

Recalculate the Repayment Schedule - Before Disbursal

This API can be used before disbursal is initiated, and will recalculate the Repayment Schedule. There will be a flag called tentative schedule to signify this. This allows for increased flexibility by allowing the loan details to be updated several times and fetching the latest schedule accordingly.

The API response format for the GET and POST API is standardized and is the same.

For the tentative schedule, there will be an additional key called "tentive_schedule"

The EMI UUID will not be present as that is available after the final repayment schedule is created.

	"is_sucess": true,
	"data": {
		"tentative_schedule": true,
		"status": "<status of the loan>",
		"collection": {
			"principal": "<principal which has been collected>",
			"interest": "<interest which has been collected>",
			"bounce_charges": "<bounce charges which has been collected>",
			"late_interest": "<late interest charges which has been collected>",
			"total": "<total collected>",
			"excess": "<total excess collected>",
			"dpd": "<current dpd in system>"
		"repayments": [
			"due_date": "<due date of repayment>",
			"status": "<status of repayment>",
			"repayment_amount": "<repayment amount>",
			"principal_amount": "<principal amount>",
			"interest_amount": "<interest amount>",
			"remaining_principal": "<remaining principal>",
			"remaining_interest": "<remaining interest>",
			"uuid": "Tentative Schedule"


Total Collected may not match allocated amount.

If the product is configured such that the allocation happens only on the EMI due date, then the total allocation may not match the total collected amount.


Tentative Schedules are Subject to Change

The final schedule is usually frozen at the time of disbursal.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!